Friday, November 8, 2013

MacArthur Fellows in the Making

The Nesters are working on projects with topics as varied as black holes, sculptors, and Czechoslovakia! Some of the best moments in the Nest are when the kids get so excited about something they've discovered that they just  have to share it! I love to hear conversations starting with "did you know?" or "guess what I just figured out?"  Every day the Nesters share their enthusiasm for learning with each other and with me.  It is truly inspiring.
During our group activity the fifth and sixth graders learned about the MacArthur Foundation Fellowships, Each of the students picked a MacArthur "genius grant" winner and researched the work they do and why they were given this prestigious award. The awards are given to "individuals who show exceptional creativity in their work and the prospect for still more in the future".  The kids chose to learn about musicians, historians and scientist to name a few.  They will be practicing their presentation skills and sharing what they discovered this coming week. I can't help but think I may have a few future MacArthur award winners right here in the Nest!

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