Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Project Topics

We have a group of Nesters with a wide variety of interests!  Here are just some of the research topics the kids are working on.
Cacti, Paris, the Serengeti, Origami and Japanese art forms, The Pluto Debate; planet or not?, Mold, Paris, Ghost Towns of the US, Computer programming, Bats, Senegal, Wonders of the Ancient World, Gymnastics, Nepal, Leonardo daVinci, Composting, the Moon, Black holes and outer space! Whew, these are busy Nesters. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Great Beginning

The Nest is off to a terrific start!  We have been doing some fun group activities to get to  know each other and I am so impressed with the engaged, enthusiastic and supportive team we are developing.  Now the kids are being asked to come up with an idea for an independent project.  Some Nesters know right away what they want to work on, while others need some time and support in finding a topic.  Ask your child what they are thinking about working on for Falcon's Nest.  If they are struggling to narrow down a topic, I suggest talking to them about things they do for fun outside of school.  How kids spend their free time often gives clues to their passions and interests that can be explored in Falcon's Nest. Reassure them that they have time to settle on a topic and to find something that is a good fit for them.  I will keep you updated on some of the terrific project ideas the Nesters are investigating as the year progresses.