Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Next Big Thing!!!

Hey it's Sara! I'm a sixth grade Falcon Nester and I'm here to tell you about the latest thing. Falcon's Nest has recently discovered the next Harry Potter, Twilight, and Spongebob! Meet Zit the Talking Pimple. He is a character that was part of my project for acne. We all loved him so much that we want him to go alot farther.Over the next few months you will be seeing alot of Zit. He is a fun and easier way to learn harder (and boring) things. In fact, his slogan is "It's not so complicated!". We will be putting him on some of our projects to make them more comprehendable and to catch people's eye. Let's hear it for team Zit!


  1. Zit is my hero! No more "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob!" I am now on Team Zit! He will become world wide and famous. I have to go, I have to look up how Zit is pronounced in Asia! -
    Super Sienna!!! :)

  2. I love Zit the talking pimple!!! It was a great idea Sara! Very helpful in a cute way!


  3. Zit is so helpful, yet cute at the same time!


  4. Zit the Talking Pimple will live 4ever!!!


  5. Go Zit! How would this world go on without you? It would be impossible. Even if he was a banana or a sock, no one would like him as much. Gee, Zit the talking sock, that just doesn't work...
    -Mia :P
