Today I say goodbye to the sixth grade Nesters. This group has been terrific. They are a diverse group of kids. Each possessing skills and talents unique to them. We have engineers, artists, scientists, dancers, scholars and athletes among us. They have all contributed their unique world view to make the time in FN so interesting. This final day they requested we spend sometime debating philosophical questions. These Nesters are curious and thoughtful. I know they will go on to make our world a better place. I was recently at a graduation at which Alan Alda was the commencement speaker. One of the many inspiration things he said was that it is not enough to just have a dream, you need to work at making your dream come true. These sixth graders have big dreams and they have the ability and drive to make them come true. I can't wait to see what they do!
I will see the rest of the Nesters next year. I hope to find them relaxed, refreshed and ready for a challenge. Have a great summer!
Bye Kara we will miss you! <3