Mia presented her terrific Geography ABC's book yesterday and will be giving it to the second grade classrooms. We all learned a lot about the countries of the world. Did you know Hungary has no less that 1500 spas? How about the fact that Thailand is nicknamed "The Land of Smiles"? I get to learn new things everyday.
I will post pictures soon about the redwood tree that is growing in the Nest. Moira is building a tree out of papermache and it makes quite a statement. Moira's project highlights the many different learning styles the kids demonstrate while in Falcon's Nest. We have some kids, like Moira, who want to build and use their hands. Other students prefer to write or draw what they have learned. Some Nesters want to share with younger students and teach what they have learned, while others are content to have gained the new knowledge for themselves. The formats the kids use to express themselves are as different as the topics they want to learn about. The Falcon's Nest model is one of self discovery and independent learning. As their guide through this process I get to help the kids build upon their strengths and develop their talents. How lucky am I?
The latest in our "conversations to remember" file is "Why do some songs get stuck in your head? The age old ear worm question. Let us know if you have any insight to this topic.
Keep an eye out for more student blogging in the weeks to come!
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