Tuesday, February 28, 2017

News from the Nest

As always we've been busy in the Nest. Some of the project topics that the kids are working on include; Aikido, The Orchestra, International Holidays, Deadliest Diseases, and Paranormal Activity. The range of interests the Nesters explore is vast. The Nesters have also recently logged into Thrively.com and filled out an individualized strength assessment. This is a free online tool designed to help students find their strengths and develop passions through an individualized learning platform. Almost all of the Nesters who completed the strength assessment tool thought that is was quite accurate. Check it out for yourself! I also wanted to take a moment to share some of the things the Nesters said they wanted to do to make the world a better place. Jack said he wanted "an endless food supply" so no one would go hungry. Ella wants "to make sure everyone has a home and clean water."  Devin wants to "stop global warming." And Cori says she'd like "to clean all the trash out of the ocean." The Nesters are more than just scholars, they are our future!

Mark your calendars! We will be having our annual Open House on Thursday, March 30, at 6pm. I hope you can join us and see all of the great work the Nesters have been doing this year.