Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Exquisite Corpses

This past week the Nesters played a surrealist parlor game called the "exquisite corpse." We played the game with both written stories and drawing. The game works by having each person contribute a part of the image or story without knowing what the person before them had done.  The ending results are beautiful and bizarre! Here are a few examples.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Everyone is so busy this time of year, including the Nesters. They are industriously juggling classroom expectations, social dynamics, extracurricular activities and work here in the Nest. Yesterday conversations bounced between terms for particular ballet positions, to WWII battlegrounds, to types of Galapagos tortoises. Then they eagerly began recommending books for each other to read that have excited and informed them. Meanwhile, they are sculpting, researching, designing websites and recording videos for their projects. These Nesters have such natural enthusiasm for learning and sharing it is awe inspiring. Tomorrow we will turn our attention to internet research skills and watch a Tedtalk about engineering and art. I can only imagine the conversations that will ensue afterwards. I am sure the Nesters will bring their typical enthusiasm and thoughtfulness to our discussions.  So, as this crazy busy time of year continues to overwhelm us all, remember we are in good hands because the leaders of tomorrow are already amazing!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Stop and Share

The Nesters have begun research on their independent projects! We have been taking a few minutes to "stop and share" at the end of each session. Here are just a few things they have shared these past few days:
Gazelles can run up to 60mph.
The Galapagos islands have two active volcanoes.
Film making started in the 1890's.
Octopi can live in tide pools.

I could go on and on because each of the Nesters are so excited to share bits of their newly discovered knowledge. And the best part is that they are equally delighted to find out what each other is learning. I am so grateful to be learning along with these terrific kids.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

2014-2015 In the Nest

Falcon's Nest will be up and running in the next few weeks! I expect to have another great group of kids hungry to learn and create. As always, we will begin the year talking about the privilege and responsibility that comes with FN. The Nesters will work on some group activities and exercises to both get them ready for their individual projects and to foster the FN community spirit.  I can't wait to hear about all of the terrific project ideas that the Nesters will have. I never cease to be amazed at the hard work and creative thinking that the students bring to their time in Falcon's Nest. Here's to another great year!.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Lots going on in the Nest

The Open House was a great success. The visitors were so impressed by the hard work of all of the Nesters! As I have said before, there really is no limit to the potential the Nesters have in this world. Kudos to each of the scholars, scientist, writers, artists, historians, anthropologists and humanitarians in the making!

Today, Paula Simmons, a civil engineer, will be speaking with the Nesters and leading an engineering exercise. Paula does a great job of explaining her work and making it approachable by presenting exciting challenges for the kids.

Later in May, the Nest will be going to Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary in Easthampton.  Thanks to the generous support of the HES PTA we will have the opportunity to learn about and explore the ecosystems of Arcadia. More information about the trip will be sent home in early May.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Open House

We will be having a Falcon's Nest Open house on Thursday, March 27, 6-7pm.  This will coincide with the sixth grade Spaghetti Supper.  Our Open House is an opportunity to showcase the projects that the Nesters have been working on. You will see a range of terrific projects in various stages of completion. I am so proud of this creative and thoughtful group of kids.  I have no doubt you will be impressed with their work.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Nesters in the New Year

I hope this new year finds you and your family happy, healthy, and warm. I think we all can agree the weather has been a bit much these past few weeks. 2014 brings great things to the Nest. We will be doing a lot in the months to come--from finishing long term projects to developing new ideas. As always, the range of work the Nesters embark on is wide. We have some Nesters interested in reaching out to support others by organizing fundraisers for both the Red Cross and the local Audubon Society. Another Nester is working on designing a board game on different types of crocodilians. While others continue to learn about various countries in the world, historical figures of note like Anne Frank and Beethoven, and the danger concussions in professional sports. The Nesters continue to support and inspire one another. I marvel at the potential these terrific kids have as scholars and as compassionate human beings.