Thursday, October 10, 2013


Yesterday, the Nesters and I watched a TEDtalk video by Angela Lee Duckworth on the topic of developing "grit" in kids. Ms. Duckworth proposes that "grit" is the best indicator of success in school and in life.  This lead to a great discussion with lots of thoughtful comments about the rewards of hard work and challenge. The Nesters and I agree... we want to be gritty!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

On the Cusp of a New Year in the Nest

Get ready, get set, go! We are about to kick off another year in the Nest. It is hard to believe that this is the seventh year in the Nest. The first year of sixth grade Nesters are now...seniors! Over the years we have seen and done a lot. The Nesters projects have ranged far and wide. And I am sure this years' Nesters will prove to be just as creative and curious as the past students. I can't wait to see what ideas are incubated this year in the Nest.