Friday, November 8, 2013

MacArthur Fellows in the Making

The Nesters are working on projects with topics as varied as black holes, sculptors, and Czechoslovakia! Some of the best moments in the Nest are when the kids get so excited about something they've discovered that they just  have to share it! I love to hear conversations starting with "did you know?" or "guess what I just figured out?"  Every day the Nesters share their enthusiasm for learning with each other and with me.  It is truly inspiring.
During our group activity the fifth and sixth graders learned about the MacArthur Foundation Fellowships, Each of the students picked a MacArthur "genius grant" winner and researched the work they do and why they were given this prestigious award. The awards are given to "individuals who show exceptional creativity in their work and the prospect for still more in the future".  The kids chose to learn about musicians, historians and scientist to name a few.  They will be practicing their presentation skills and sharing what they discovered this coming week. I can't help but think I may have a few future MacArthur award winners right here in the Nest!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Yesterday, the Nesters and I watched a TEDtalk video by Angela Lee Duckworth on the topic of developing "grit" in kids. Ms. Duckworth proposes that "grit" is the best indicator of success in school and in life.  This lead to a great discussion with lots of thoughtful comments about the rewards of hard work and challenge. The Nesters and I agree... we want to be gritty!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

On the Cusp of a New Year in the Nest

Get ready, get set, go! We are about to kick off another year in the Nest. It is hard to believe that this is the seventh year in the Nest. The first year of sixth grade Nesters are now...seniors! Over the years we have seen and done a lot. The Nesters projects have ranged far and wide. And I am sure this years' Nesters will prove to be just as creative and curious as the past students. I can't wait to see what ideas are incubated this year in the Nest. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Wrapping Up

This spring has been a blur. A lot has been going on here in the Nest in the last few months. Our Open House showcased many of the terrific Falcon's Nest projects that were completed this year.  It is always great to see the wide array of work the kids produce during their time in the Nest.  HES has begun composting thanks to a FN student project.  We look forward to minimizing our cafeteria waste and creating some terrific soil for our gardens!  Another project that is reaching the school in a big way comes from a few budding scientists.  They will be sharing some fun science experiments with many of the classes during the next few weeks.  These experiments are hands-on, fun and messy!  The kids will love them! As the Nesters wrap up their projects I am faced with the part I like the least, saying goodbye to the sixth graders.  But as always, I feel privileged to have worked with them and confident that they will grow up to make the world a better place. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Visitors Inspiring the Nesters

It finally feels like spring! The clocks have jumped ahead and so have our Nesters. They are furiously putting finishing touches on their projects. Over the last few months we have been fortunate to have some guests come in and talk with the Nesters about their careers. We enjoyed hearing about civil engineering from Ms. Simmons and nutrition from Ms. LaRock. Both speakers emphasized the importance of learning, in particular math and science skills. We also worked on a fundraiser for AMPED for Education, a nonprofit organization that built a school for children in Nicaragua. AMPED was founded by Smith Academy teacher Jeff Pluta.  Mr. Pluta has brought groups of students with him to Nicaragua during school vacations to help work on the school.  He and some of the SA kids who went to Nicaragua came to share their amazing stories with us.  The Nesters were so inspired by the work of AMPED they wanted to help.  The Nesters organized a schoolwide penny drive that raised over $600 for AMPED!  Mr. Pluta is coming back to show the Nesters exactly how the money they raised will impact the lives of people in Nicaragua.  It is a great opportunity for the kids to see how they can make a difference in the lives of others.