Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nest News

The Nest is piloting the use of Google Docs for the school.  HES is looking to move the students towards using this tool to create and store their work.  By using Google Docs kids can work from home, collaborate with each other, interact with teachers and have a password protected secure location for their work.  The Nesters have all been given instruction on how to log on and passwords to use.  So far I'd say it seems to be a great tool that will add some terrific new ways to enhance student learning. 

Student projects have been rolling in too.  We saw a cool demonstration on science experiments that inspired other Nesters to try some at home.  Sorry if you had elephant toothpaste oozing on your kitchen counter! We also learned about popular comics, information on some of our most beloved comic artists, and tips on how to draw some ourselves.

During our past few group days we have done an internet research skill treasure hunt, we have built bridges and towers out of simple materials, we played vocabulary expanding games and practiced our debate skills.  It is so great to see how the kids each shine in different ways. Some Nesters clearly have strong language skills and love wordplay and writing, while others enjoy the challenge of building and using their hands. They are all always ready for a new challenge, a new idea, and a new partner to work with. I think of them whenever I need a reminder of how great it is to be creative, open minded and up for whatever challenge is ahead.