Friday, November 30, 2012

Treasure Hunt

Wednesdays are often filled with group activities and games aimed at building community, practicing research and presentation skills, and encouraging creative thinking.  One day we did an internet research treasure hunt. The Nesters were asked to find the answers to questions like:

"How long it would take to drive from Hatfield to Chicago?"
"Who it the current governor of New Mexico?"
"Where is the statue of Paul Bunyon?"

Some of the things the Nesters discovered are that you need to check the dates on websites to make sure the information is accurate, that you can take a variety of routes to get to Chicago, and that there may be multiple answers/images to a single question. The kids got practice using new search engines, image finders, and mapping tools. This activity is a reminder to the kids that the internet is only a tool and that you must extrapolate the appropriate information, use your own knowledge base, skill sets and common sense in order to really understand and learn.

The kids are always eager to get the "right" answer but when they grasp the idea of multiple "right" answers and celebrate the complexity of learning it is truly inspiring to me. These Nesters inspire me every day.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Project Topics

We have a group of Nesters with a wide variety of interests!  Here are just some of the research topics the kids are working on.
Cacti, Paris, the Serengeti, Origami and Japanese art forms, The Pluto Debate; planet or not?, Mold, Paris, Ghost Towns of the US, Computer programming, Bats, Senegal, Wonders of the Ancient World, Gymnastics, Nepal, Leonardo daVinci, Composting, the Moon, Black holes and outer space! Whew, these are busy Nesters. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Great Beginning

The Nest is off to a terrific start!  We have been doing some fun group activities to get to  know each other and I am so impressed with the engaged, enthusiastic and supportive team we are developing.  Now the kids are being asked to come up with an idea for an independent project.  Some Nesters know right away what they want to work on, while others need some time and support in finding a topic.  Ask your child what they are thinking about working on for Falcon's Nest.  If they are struggling to narrow down a topic, I suggest talking to them about things they do for fun outside of school.  How kids spend their free time often gives clues to their passions and interests that can be explored in Falcon's Nest. Reassure them that they have time to settle on a topic and to find something that is a good fit for them.  I will keep you updated on some of the terrific project ideas the Nesters are investigating as the year progresses. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

2012-2013 School Year

I love fall! A new school year means new beginnings, new opportunities and some new Nesters!  It also means the return of some terrific kids who are ready to bring their passions and intellect back to the Nest!   Falcon's Nest will be starting back up in just a few more weeks. Meanwhile, if you or your child has any questions please don't hesitate to call or email.- See you soon!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Home Stretch

Believe it or not, we are in the home stretch here in the Nest.  The kids are seeing the results of all their hard work and getting ready to share and celebrate with each other.  In these last weeks we are extremely busy, finishing projects, doing presentations and reflecting on what we have learned.  In addition, between now and the end of the year the Nesters will all have participated in MCAS, MAP testing, field trips, concerts, field day, assemblies and more!  They have done a terrific job of juggling their everyday workload with the extra efforts FN requires.  I hope you are all as proud of them as I am.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Thank you to all the families who came to our Falcon's Nest Open House.  It was a great opportunity to have the Nesters work showcased.  Many of the visitors commented on the wide variety of projects and topics that the kids are working on.  It was also great to see some Falcon's Nest alum visiting.  The Nesters are an impressive group of students and their potential is limitless.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Open House

We will be displaying Falcon's Nest student work on Tuesday, March 27 from 6-7pm.  This is an opportunity to see what the Nesters are working on and to celebrate their enthusiasm for learning. The school arts night and spaghetti supper will be happening that same evening. I hope to see you there!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nest News

The Nest is piloting the use of Google Docs for the school.  HES is looking to move the students towards using this tool to create and store their work.  By using Google Docs kids can work from home, collaborate with each other, interact with teachers and have a password protected secure location for their work.  The Nesters have all been given instruction on how to log on and passwords to use.  So far I'd say it seems to be a great tool that will add some terrific new ways to enhance student learning. 

Student projects have been rolling in too.  We saw a cool demonstration on science experiments that inspired other Nesters to try some at home.  Sorry if you had elephant toothpaste oozing on your kitchen counter! We also learned about popular comics, information on some of our most beloved comic artists, and tips on how to draw some ourselves.

During our past few group days we have done an internet research skill treasure hunt, we have built bridges and towers out of simple materials, we played vocabulary expanding games and practiced our debate skills.  It is so great to see how the kids each shine in different ways. Some Nesters clearly have strong language skills and love wordplay and writing, while others enjoy the challenge of building and using their hands. They are all always ready for a new challenge, a new idea, and a new partner to work with. I think of them whenever I need a reminder of how great it is to be creative, open minded and up for whatever challenge is ahead.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fruits of Labor

Many of the Nesters are in the final stages of finishing their projects.  For many, research is completed and slide shows, videos, poster boards, websites, and models are getting some final touches.  Shannen presented a terrific video that displayed some of the many talents the students at HES possess. Casey shared helpful tips on how to remember multiplication facts. Both Nesters are planning on sharing their work with other classes. It is great to see how proud the students are when they finish a project and can talk about what they have discovered. 
We haven't had a Wednesday session in awhile.  We are all anxious for next week when we can work as group on some new challenges. The Nesters love working together and they make a great team!  One of the best parts of Falcon's Nest is seeing kids from different classes and grades bond over common interests and challenges.