Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Only eight weeks to go!

Spring break is over and we are in the home stretch of the school year. The students are brimming with activity. Third grader Maggie is writing a play about MCAS that she wants to show second graders to ease any anxiety they may have about the test. Julia has also written and directed a play. Julia's play is about bullying and is starring a number of students. They have been practicing during lunch club, and are hoping to share it during a whole school meeting. Also being shared during the whole school meeting will be Zach's interview with Jane Yolen. Zach approached Jane Yolen and she graciously agreed to come in and be interviewed about her life and work. Another interview happening in the nest is Paul's. Paul has been exchanging emails with an archaeologist who is on a dig in Brazil. Liam is busy designing his glider which he hopes will get him closer to his dream of flying. Moira and Taylor are building the Great Wall China out of sugarcubes. Also about to be constructed is a model of the World Trade Center by Ryan. And Shannen is doing a fundraiser for Dakin Animal Shelter. Whew. Those are only a few of the projects happening right now in the Nest. This is going to be a busy few months!!

Open House Quotes

The Falcon's Nest Open House was a terrific night. Julia our guest reporter interviewed some of the visitors. Here is what they had to say. "I think it is wonderful! It is fun and you do fun projects." said John a nesters dad. "Fascinating, I wish everyone could do it." Said a HES student. Zach thinks it is "awesome". A Mom said "it is good, my daughter really wants more challenge." Sophia "likes the projects especially the polar bear one." Julia asked me what I thought about the program as well, I said "I love Falcon's Nest because I get to help kids learn about things that really interest them." Thanks Julia.